New City Kids is a missional, non-sectarian community driven by our shared Christian faith to bring whole life transformation to children by empowering them to be agents of change in their lives and their communities.
New City Kids is founded upon the conviction that God brings unlimited hope to the marginalized in our world. At New City Kids this is realized as at-risk children become recipients of grace, empowerment, and resources enabling them to be agents of renewal in their cities.
New City Kids adheres to the Apostles’ Creed as a basis for biblical truth pointing to God’s creation of the world, the deity of Jesus Christ, his atonement for our sins through his sacrifice on the cross, and his resurrection.
New City Kids recognizes the incredible diversity of the cities in which it serves and is committed to serve all children regardless of race, religion, creed, or any other status.
New City Kids’ programs will include Christian songs of worship, corporate times of prayer, and teaching from the Bible. Participants will not be required to engage in activities in which they feel uncomfortable but will be welcomed to explore and grow in their personal relationship with God.