The Jersey City After School Centers serve 195 children (1st-8th grade) daily at three locations: The Fairmount Ave. site, Lafayette site, and Greenville Site. The core curriculum blends english, math, and geography lessons with fine and performing arts, music, and more.
A Teen Life Internship is a year-long, paid, part-time internship in the serious business of success. Much as a medical intern would learn the skills of a doctor or a legal intern would be immersed in the culture and strategies of attorneys, a Teen Life Intern is taught how to live well through an in-depth leadership development program.
City Sail opens the Hudson river to Jersey City youth through a free five-week sailing and swimming program. Youth learn the basics of sailing on the Hudson river and take an introductory course in swimming technique at a local university. Youth compete to earn prizes along the way by learning to tie knots, passing tests on sailing terminology, and using real-life sailing skills on the water. The program culminates in a three-day sailing trip on Long Island Sound at the end of the summer.
If you’re a sailor in Jersey City and would like to volunteer, contact for information about sailing with City Sail.
Summer Camp combines a traditional day camp experience with spiritual development focused around a single and memorable Biblical theme. Kids participate in a variety of activities including bible-quizzing, games and art that encourage self-expression through dance, chants, and raps. Campers are exposed to the world beyond their neighborhood through day-long field trips that include hiking, swimming, exploring zoos and parks, and more.