It was never a real question. Not really. Back in March, as the realities of this terrible virus made it impossible to continue our regular programming, there was a moment: shut everything down, hang on and hope for the best “until this is all over,” or find a way to keep doing New City Kids? The question was already answered by the time we said it out loud.
Here are some of the exciting new ways we’re creating a community of spiritual, leadership, academic and musical development as together, we Love Kids for Change:
College & Career Readiness continues at full speed!
100% of our seniors of the 38 seniors at all of our sites have submitted all of their college applications, and 100% have been accepted to at least one college already!
293 applications were filled out, and 184 acceptances have come in!
Virtual alumni panel for all seniors to successfully make the transition from high school to college.
Gifts keep coming to help kids and families!
Through a partnership with a major foundation, New CityKids is distributing $500 cash grants to 150 of our families most affected by the coronavirus outbreak.And God has continued to provide needed resources through friends of New City Kids in the last two weeks to help us continue our mission!
New City Kids during COVID
Check out how we're still LOVING KIDS FOR CHANGE!
This is actually just a tip of the iceberg of everything happening at all of our sites right now, and it is so exciting! Continue doing New City Kids or shut down during this emergency? It was never a real question. Not really.
Do you want to be apart of our response to COVID-19? Give today so that we can continue to impact our communities.