Welcome New City Kids Alum! This page was created with you in mind. On this page, you will find helpful resources, updates from your peers, and current events around New City Kids.

As you browse around, if you see anything that we could add to make the alumni experience better, please contact Daymiris, daymiris@newcitykids.org

New City Kids Job Openings

New City Kids offers after school programming for local low-income youth. Children and teens get a chance to explore music and academics in a creative and fun environment. Though there are many challenges of urban life, especially for youth, these programs give children a safe place to feel and hear that they are valued and loved. New City Kids aims to draw children into hope by developing in them skills, talents, and desires for their future. By surrounding them with a community of love and development, we set youth on a path of transformation that will carry them forward for the rest of their lives.

What's Happening Around New City Kids...

Check out your city!

Hear From Your Peers

Don't be a stranger! Stay engaged with us by following us on social media, signing up for our Alumni Mailing list, or by reaching out to a current staff member.